Symbolic Rituals for Weddings or Renewal of Vow Ceremonies

I personally love a symbolic ritual.  I enjoy the drama, humour and historical links to traditions which are barely referred to anymore.  Symbolic Rituals are very often an acknowledgement towards a country of birth, religion or culture and there are hundreds of them out there. Photos courtesy of Below are some of my favourite Symbolic Rituals:…

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The Wedding Reform!

Wedding Reform Background Why the need for Wedding Reform? The law commission in England and Wales on the 19th July 2022 outlined recommendations to reform weddings law. It proposes a fairer system that gives couples more choice over where and how their wedding takes place. The current law has failed to keep pace with modern…

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Is a Wedding Celebrant a necessity for a Wedding Ceremony?

I was recently contacted by a bride to be, who was not entirely sure what a celebrant is or does. She had heard the term ‘Celebrant’ but after explaining to her what my role is she asked ‘but is a celebrant a necessity?’. Currently a Celebrant is NOT a necessity for a wedding ceremony. We…

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